The 14th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:疊加
The 10th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:你曾夢過電子羊嗎?
The 9th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:產生器
The 8th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:最後8%
The 7th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:擬態解碼
The 5th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:Six Degrees
The 4th Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:CIRCUIT x 月見丸
The 3rd Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:乙太Aether
The 2nd Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:「布雷恩百貨」
The 1st Graduation Exhibition of the Bachelor’s Program:柏菲瑟安德表特